Vampire Count Teams

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Vampire Counts

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Five dominant Vampire Count bloodlines are represented here: the von Carstein family, the Blood Dragons, the Lahmians, the Necrarchs, and the Strigoi. You can find more information on each by clicking the appropriate link above.

Unless otherwise specified, all Vampire Count teams must abide by the following rules:

Apothecaries: Vampires and the majority of their minions are undead creatures, trapped in the nether-realm between life and death by potent necromantic magic. As such, apothecaries are useless to them - even if they were to suffer from injuries their regenerative powers couldn't heal, their body chemistries are sufficiently changed to render useless most medical treatments. Due to this, no Vampire Count team may employ an apothecary, even for the members of their team who are not undead.

Wizard: Furthermore, no Vampire Count will allow a wizard on the team to rival his powers - especially one who isn't directly under his thrall! As a result, no Vampire Count team may employ a Wizard.

Vampire Lords: The Vampire Count teams are led by the Vampire Lord, the undisputed master both on and off the pitch. In Blood Bowl, Vampire Lords are the coaches of their teams. If a Lord chooses to Argue The Call and gets himself ejected by the refereee, the power of his will is such that his minions will continue to play (and regenerate) in his absence.

Cheers! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me at And above all - ENJOY!