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Safety Light System Home
Module Overview
Setting the Context for Students
Goals and Learning Outcomes
Timeline Chart for Class Sessions
Materials needed and Teaching Resources
Evaluation Protocol
UB Learns for Design Activity
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Day 1

  • Define the problem context for safety light systems and form cooperative learning teams for the design, assembly and testing of the safety light system.
  • Introduce the design loop and ask student teams to start KSB #1.
  • Discuss the student requirements (on student web pages) and the use of Design Activity Folio (DAF). Describe the requirement that each student submit a design report at the conclusion of the module. Explain that the report will be based on information recorded in the Design Journal or DAF. Help them make the connection between carefully documenting information as they proceed and produced a well written report at the end. Alert them that each team is to develop a multimedia presentation detailing their design process and results. Note that such a presentation summarizes work completed in researching, collecting, and analyzing data; developing models; improving designs; and making refinements. Describe multiple forms of media (for example, powerpoint presentation, color overheads, video and computer animation) which can enhance their presentations.

    Day 2-3

  • Work as a facilitator of student teams and help them to learn about the informed design cycle. Check to see that each group understands that its solution must satisfy the specifications and constraints. Remind each group to make decisions and select design components based upon their explorations and their understanding and application of MST principles. The groups may also develop a rating system to determine which alternative design is preferred.
  • Convene the large group to introduce the design challenge. Explain that because of the high costs of primary batteries (~ $800 per kWh vs. $ 0.10 per kWh from home electric outlets) , students should consider other energy energy sources.

    Day 4-13
  • Initiate KSB #2 and 3. Continue to work as a facilitator as students work in their groups to learn about alternative energy sources and electronic circuits.
  • Bring students together as a large group and distribute solar cells and electronic components and tools to each group.
  • Remind students that they should start planning the design and construction of a safety light system as described on their web pages.
  • Have students present, either in writing or verbally, their reports on KSB #2 and 3.
  • Initiate KSB #4. Remind them the importance of a mounting device in the final packaging of the safety light system.

    Day 14-17
    Work as a facilitator as groups consider alternative designs. Question students about the pros and cons of alternative designs.

    Day 18-23
    Explain that each student must submit a Design Report. Assist students in structuring and writing their Design Reports. The design report should include a discussion of their redesign with justifications for the redesign decisions. Provide students with the Design Report guidelines from the students' web pages.

    Discuss with the class what is considered proper and expected deportment during group presentations. Address the need to use a variety of media to support the presentation. During the groups' presentations to the class, encourage students (through example) to ask appropriate questions and provide constructive feedback to the presenters.
