Reactions using Chime

Chime can be used to view animation files of reactions like these, which were taken from this page. The animation files created by Dr. Jeffrey Gosper were created for use with his program, Re_View. The files are useful not only to show the reactants and products, but also the reaction pathway and transition states. For an explanation of how these reaction animations can be produced, go here.

This is an Anti-Markovnikov addition of HCl to propene.
Both this simulation and the Markovnikov addition were produced by Leif Saethre, Knut J. Boerve, Bjoern K. Alsberg and Vidar R. Jensen. This page has further information about their work.

This is a Markovnikov addition of HCl to propene.

This is a SN2 reaction with bromine replacing chlorine.
This simulation was produced by Dr. Jeffrey Gosper.

This is a simulation of the electrocyclic rearrangement of buta-1,3-diene to cyclobutene.
This simulation was produced by Dr. Jeffrey Gosper.

This is the hydration of formaldehyde.
This simulation was also produced by Dr. Jeffrey Gosper

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