Crystal Structures

This page is designed to show the structures of a few basic crystals. The structures on this page are all cubic, however other crystal structures exist which are tetragonal, orthorombic, and monoclinc. These all have the same basic three types of structures: simple, body-centered, and face centered. The simple one has one atom on each corner of the box. The body-centered has one atom on each corner and on atom located in the center of the box. The face centered has one atom on each corner and one atom in the center of each side of the box. These are the basic crystal structures. Other, more complicated structres exist, such as that of a diamond. In the diamond structure, each atom is tetrahedrally coordinated. Crystal structures are described by unit cells. A unit cell is the smallest unit which can fully describe the crystal structure. This cell is then repeated in all directions to form the entire crystal.

This is a crystal structure with one unit cell.

  Press this to view simple cubic stucture.

  Press this to view face centered cubic structure.

  Press this to view body centered cubic stucture.

  Press this to view the diamond cubic structure.

The white atoms are at the corners of the unit cells, the yellow atoms are at the center of the faces of the unit cells, the dark red atoms are at the center of the unit cells and the blue atoms are in the interior positions of the diamond unit cell. To rotate the crystal, click in box, and move mouse.

This is a crystal structure with eight unit cells. There are two unit cells in each direction.

  Press this to view simple cubic stucture.

  Press this to view face centered cubic structure.

  Press this to view body centered cubic stucture.

  Press this to view the diamond cubic structure.

These crystals structures were generated by a program that reads the coordinates for the unit cell from a file and reproduces it. For a more in depth expalanation of how the program works, go here

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