Conformations using Chime

Chime can be used to view animation files of conformation changes like these, which were taken from this page. The animation files created by Dr. Jeffrey Gosper were created for use with his program, Re_View. Conformations are the various geometric configurations a molecule can have. A molecule can switch between these conformations, although there is generally a transition state of higher energy.
For an explanation of how these conformation animations can be produced, go here.

This is 1,2-difluoroethane, rotating to show the eclipsed and staggered conformations.
This simulation was produced by Dr. Jeffrey Gosper

This is a simulation of the ring flip for cyclohexane. Notice the conversion from the chair to the boat conformation.
This simulation was also produce by Dr. Jeffrey Gosper
This is racemization at its finest hour: octahelicene.
This simulation was produced by J. H. Borkent. More information about his work on this can be found here

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