Dr. David T. Shaw


  • Co Editor-in-Chief (with Benjamin Y.H. Liu), Handbook of Micro and Nanoparticles, Scheduled for publication June, 2007 (Springer Publishing)
  • Distinguished Seminar Series, School of Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics, University of Electronic Sience and Technology of China, Chengdu, China (2005-06)
  • Founding President, American Association for Aerosol Research (83-86)
  • Founding Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Aerosol Science and Technology (83-92)
  • Americas Editor, Journal of Nanoparticle Research ( 2001- Present)
  • Co Chairman, US/Japan Workshop on High Temperature Superconductivity ( 1991- 2003)
  • Appointed Member, NSF Panel on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (1998-2000) (Chairman:Mihail Roco)
  • Invited Member, and session chair on nanomateials, the Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE-USA) delegation to Beijing, China for the Sino-American Technology and Engineering Conference (SATEC) on nanomaterials (SATEC 04)
  • Invited Member, and session chair on Nanotechnology, Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE-USA) delegation to Taipei, Taiwan for the Modern Engineering and Technology Seminar (METS 04)
  • Member, IEEE subcommittee on K-12 technology education (1999-2002)

    Control technology for nanoparticles, generation and characterization of nano and micron particles, hydrogen storage of hydrogen in carbon nanotubes, high temperature superconductivity, microelectromechanical systems, web-based technology education.


    1. During his career, advised 16 postdocs (2 F, 1 U), and 31 Ph.D.graduates (3F, 1U)  (F =Female, U = Under-represented Groups)
    2. Organized the Center for Innovation in Engineering Learning for the development of web-based instructional materials for high school students (NSF sponsored)
    3. Appointed to Honorary Professorships at Sun Yat Sen University (Guangzhou, China) and the Shenyang Metal Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
    4. Member, U.S. Delegation  International Superconductivity International. Superconductivity Industry Summit (ISIS) (1993-1996)).
    5. Member, delegation to the Overseas Chinese Environmental Engineers & Scientists Association (OCEESA)/Taiwan EPA Meeting on Air Pollution Legislations (organized by Dr. Jentai Yang 1996)
    6. Co-chair (with Dr. Jentai Yang), OCEESA/Taiwan EPA Symposium on Air Pollution Control and Legislation (1997)
    7. Chair, Task Force on New York State Maglev Research and Development, (1992 - 1993).
    8. Member, NSF Review Panel, Presidential Faculty Fellow Program, (1992 - 1996).
    9. Member, National Industrial Working Ad hoc Group on Superconducting Power Applications, (1991-1997).
    10. Member, Superconductivity Coordination Council for Electric Power (SC3EP), EPRI, DOE, (1989 - 1996).  
    11. Member, Blue Ribbon Advisory Committee on Laser Obscuration Science of CRDEC, Department of Army, (1988 - 1990).
    12. International Aerosol Congress Member, Conference Committee (1984 - 1988).
    13. Committee of U.S. Army Basic Research Member, (1985-1988).
    14. EPRI Peer Review Committee Member, (1983 - 1988).
    15. National Science Foundation Workshops on Research Needs in Submicron Particles Chairman, 1982, Co-chairman, (1983, 1984).
    16. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Member, Peer Review Program (1982 - 1987).
    17. Appointed member of the U.S. delegation on Nuclear Aerosol to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Paris (1985)
    18. Appointed member of the U.S. delegation to the former Soviet Union on energy conversion (1982)