CE 530 Molecular Simulation


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Table of Contents

CE 530 Molecular Simulation

Review and Preview

Classical Equations of Motion

Newtonian Formulation

Generalized Coordinates

Lagrangian Formulation

Hamiltonian Formulation 1. Motivation

Hamiltonian Formulation 2. Preparation

Hamiltonian Formulation 3. Defintion

Hamiltonian Formulation 4. Dynamics

Hamiltonian Formulation 5. Example

Phase Space (again)

Integration Algorithms

Verlet Algorithm 1. Equations

Verlet Algorithm 2. Flow diagram

Verlet Algorithm 2. Flow Diagram

Verlet Algorithm 2. Flow Diagram

Verlet Algorithm 2. Flow Diagram

Verlet Algorithm 2. Flow Diagram

Verlet Algorithm 3. Java Code

Verlet Algorithm 3. Relevant Methods in Java Code

Verlet Algorithm 3. Relevant Methods in Java Code

Forces 1. Formalism

Forces 2. LJ Model

Forces 3. Java Code

Forces 3. Relevant Methods from Java Code

Verlet Algorithm. 4. Loose Ends

Verlet Algorithm 5. Performance Issues

Initial Velocities (from Lecture 3)

Leapfrog Algorithm

Leapfrog Algorithm

Leapfrog Algorithm

Leapfrog Algorithm

Leapfrog Algorithm

Leapfrog Algorithm 2. Flow Diagram

Leapfrog Algorithm 2. Flow Diagram

Leapfrog Algorithm 2. Flow Diagram

Leapfrog Algorithm 2. Flow Diagram

Leapfrog Algorithm 2. Flow Diagram

Leapfrog Algorithm. 3. Loose Ends

Velocity Verlet Algorithm

Velocity Verlet Algorithm 2. Flow Diagram

Velocity Verlet Algorithm 2. Flow Diagram

Velocity Verlet Algorithm 2. Flow Diagram

Velocity Verlet Algorithm 2. Flow Diagram

Velocity Verlet Algorithm 2. Flow Diagram

Velocity Verlet Algorithm 2. Flow Diagram

Other Algorithms


Author: David A. Kofke

Email: kofke@eng.buffalo.edu

Home Page: http://www.cheme.buffalo.edu/courses/ce530

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